Sajda Abdul-Rahim, a college student living in New York City, talks about her religious upbringing as a Muslim and her quest for a less traditional and more personal spiritual connection with God. Michelle Fine

Sajda Abdul-Rahim, a college student living in New York City, talks about her religious upbringing as a Muslim and her quest for a less traditional and more personal spiritual connection with God. Michelle Fine
Original tape date: September 22, 2016. Short Docs’s first season starts with the streaming of Dastaar: Defending Sikh Identity, directed by Kevin Lee. The short film describes the challenges facing the Sikh community in a post-9/11 New York City that erroneously associates the Sikh turban (or dastaar) with terrorism and Islamic extremists. The piece […]
On a crumbling sidewalk in the heart of Spanish Harlem, a small but impassioned group of women are fighting for their community. When the Archdiocese of New York locked the doors of the church where many of them spent their entire lives worshipping, this determined family of parishioners decided to resist the ministerial decision […]
Produced by CUNY TV, Short Docs Web Series showcases short documentaries about NYC’s minority communities and examines issues including immigration, human rights, education, diaspora, multiculturalism, environmental issues and criminal justice. Short Docs creates a fresh multi-cultural dialogue and amplifies the film’s issues through social media. The documentaries, produced by Third World Newsreel, stream along with interviews with the filmmakers and subjects related to the pieces.
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